7 Tesla HIFEM EMSculpt body slimming machine

7 Tesla HIFEM EMSculpt body slimming machine
Using HI-EMT (High Energy Focused Electromagnetic Wave) technology to continuously expand and contract autologous muscles and carry out extreme training to deeply reshape the internal structure of the muscle,that is, the growth of muscle fibrils  (muscle enlargement) and produce new protein chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), so as to train and increase muscle density and volume.

High-energy focused electromagnetic waves(HI-EMT)
The electromagnetic field of HI-EMT can target the motor nerve cells and generate the action potential, which directly stimulates the muscle contraction.It can be said that "you can exercise while lying down."
In the 30 minute course of treatment, the muscle contracts 30000 times with high frequency and intensity, which can not be achieved in general exercise!The ultimate contraction of muscle needs a large amount of energy supply, so the fat cells beside the muscle are also consumed, leading to natural apoptosis and effective reduction of fat thickness.
The muscle movement caused by HI-EMT not only does not cause damage to other joints or bones of the body, but also effectively strengthens the abdominal or hip muscles, increasing the number and volume of muscle fibers: not only making the body line more prominent, "mermaid line", “ vest line “is more obvious.

The effect of increasing muscle
HI-EMT uses a specific range of frequencies that do not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimuli. Muscles are forced to maintain a contracted state for several seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high-load conditions, muscle tissue is forced to adapt under pressure. Studies indicate that , One to two months after HI-EMT treatment, patients' average abdominal muscle thickness increased by 15% -16%.

Fat-reducing effect
Several recent studies using CT, MRI, and ultrasound evaluations have reported a reduction in the subcutaneous fat layer of approximately 19% in patients treated with HI-EMT-based devices in the abdomen.
The principle of apoptosis induced by increased free fatty acid concentrations has been observed and confirmed in many studies.

More informations, feel free to contact me.
whatsapp +86 15030113750 June
