What is 980nm diode laser for physiotherapy?
The instrument focus on the lens to procedureacupuncture and moxibustion on the human body. According to medical principles such as anatomy, neurophysiology and traditional Chinese acupuncture, infrared light is applied to the nerve roots, never trunks, ganglia, acupoints and local pain points of the human body. To adjust the stability of the human physiological balance, thereby achieving the purpose of treating diseases and preventing diseases.
What conditions can 980nm infrared physiotherapy treat?
980nm infrared physiotherapy instrument is widely used in various pain and non-painful diseases: muscle, tendon, myofasciitis and other periarthritis caused by neuropathy, cervical spondylosis, lumbar muscle strain, rheumatic joint pain and other diseases.
1. Anti-inflammatory Infrared laser has an anti-edemic effect because it causes blood vessels to dilate and also because it activates the lymphatic drainage system (sedema area). As a result, there is a reduction in swelling, bruising or inflammation caused.
2. Anti-pain (painkillers) Infrared laser therapy has a high beneficial effect on sending pain on these cells to the brain and it reduces nerve sensitivity to send nerve cells. In addition, there is less edema and less pain due to less inflammation.
3. Speed up tissue repair and cell growth Infrared laser penetrates into tissue cells to stimulate reproduction and growth. Infrared lasers increase the energy provided to cells, enabling cells to take on nutrients and get rid of waste faster.
4. Improve vascular activity Infrared laser significantly increases new capillary damaged tissue, accelerates the healing process, closes the wound quickly, and reduces the formation of scar tissue.
5. Increased metabolic activity Infrared laser therapy produces higher output of specific enzymes, higher oxygen and food particle load for blood cells.
6. Trigger Points and Acupoints Infrared laser therapy stimulation provides musculoskeletal pain relief on a non-invasive basis for muscle trigger points and acupuncture points.
What kind of person need to do 980nm diode laser physiotherapy treatment?
Hamstring tear
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Shin splints
Disc injuries
Strains & Sprains
Lower Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Soft Tissue Damage
Patella Femoral Syndrome
Soft Tissue Damage
The instrument focus on the lens to procedureacupuncture and moxibustion on the human body. According to medical principles such as anatomy, neurophysiology and traditional Chinese acupuncture, infrared light is applied to the nerve roots, never trunks, ganglia, acupoints and local pain points of the human body. To adjust the stability of the human physiological balance, thereby achieving the purpose of treating diseases and preventing diseases.
What conditions can 980nm infrared physiotherapy treat?
980nm infrared physiotherapy instrument is widely used in various pain and non-painful diseases: muscle, tendon, myofasciitis and other periarthritis caused by neuropathy, cervical spondylosis, lumbar muscle strain, rheumatic joint pain and other diseases.
1. Anti-inflammatory Infrared laser has an anti-edemic effect because it causes blood vessels to dilate and also because it activates the lymphatic drainage system (sedema area). As a result, there is a reduction in swelling, bruising or inflammation caused.
2. Anti-pain (painkillers) Infrared laser therapy has a high beneficial effect on sending pain on these cells to the brain and it reduces nerve sensitivity to send nerve cells. In addition, there is less edema and less pain due to less inflammation.
3. Speed up tissue repair and cell growth Infrared laser penetrates into tissue cells to stimulate reproduction and growth. Infrared lasers increase the energy provided to cells, enabling cells to take on nutrients and get rid of waste faster.
4. Improve vascular activity Infrared laser significantly increases new capillary damaged tissue, accelerates the healing process, closes the wound quickly, and reduces the formation of scar tissue.
5. Increased metabolic activity Infrared laser therapy produces higher output of specific enzymes, higher oxygen and food particle load for blood cells.
6. Trigger Points and Acupoints Infrared laser therapy stimulation provides musculoskeletal pain relief on a non-invasive basis for muscle trigger points and acupuncture points.
What kind of person need to do 980nm diode laser physiotherapy treatment?
Hamstring tear
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Shin splints
Disc injuries
Strains & Sprains
Lower Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Soft Tissue Damage
Patella Femoral Syndrome
Soft Tissue Damage
Our website: www.bioficelaser.com